This citywide initiative is focused on improving bicycle safety by providing free bike lights to cyclists. We want to raise awareness about the importance of riding with lights after dark. With the goal of making Baton Rouge streets safer, we equips riders with lights and educate them on the life-saving value of visibility at night.
our goals
To meet the growing need for bike safety, we aim to collect enough money to purchase 600 light sets:
200 sets for the Baton Rouge Police Department
100 sets for Front Yard Bikes
100 for other bike organizations
200 sets for DESR participants to distribute as light ambassadors
Louisiana law requires bikes to have lights at night, and failure to comply can result in a $30 fine. But more importantly, riding with lights can be the difference between life and death.
Bike Light Distribution During Rides: Lights are handed out during group rides hosted by the Downtown East Social Ride (DESR). Riders who receive lights become "light ambassadors," helping to spread awareness within their own communities.
Partnership with Baton Rouge Police Department: Lights are also provided to police officers, who distribute them to cyclists in need during patrols.
Collaboration with Bike Organizations: We provide lights to parnter organizations, such as Front Yard Bikes. We hope to expand this to other organizations.
Transparency: We are not a nonprofit organization, so your contribution is not tax deductable. We are fully transparent about how the funds are spent and include reports in the Downtown East Social Ride newsletter.